
International Distributors

If you live in one of the following countries, you can purchase our software from the local distributor. Otherwise, if you are in a country not listed below, you can purchase our software directly from us (Koldwater Software).

Waltech Associates
G3-2000 Appleby Line, Suite 109
Burlington ON L7L 7H7

Tel (905) 466-7417
Fax (905) 315-8492

Domestic Distributors

Business Industrial Network (Owns Koldwater)

CMH Software

Cleveland Institute of Electronics

The CNC Speciality Store

The Electrical Contractor Network




The PLC Guys

We are looking for Reliable Distributors in other countries for our electrical design and training software.

If you are interested in Distributing our software programs, forward your request to Koldwater Software outlining why you are interested and how you may be able to help us increase our distribution range.

Discounts for distributors are available from 15% to 35%.

After reviewing your request, we will forward you our standard Distributor agreement.